Satisfaction Guarantee Terms

Updated November 15, 2022

If you are not satisfied with your experience using Betterment’s stock-and-bond investing and advice tools, at your request, Betterment will waive its asset-based investment management fees on your stock & bond investing accounts for an upcoming period of 90 days.

This offer does not apply to investments in cryptocurrencies nor does it apply to Betterment products that do not have asset-based fees, Cash Reserve or Checking. This guarantee also does not apply to accounts held through the Betterment at Work platform, and does not apply to client accounts managed by a third-party advisor through Betterment for Advisors.

The guarantee only applies to fees charged by Betterment. No other fees, expenses, or market losses will be waived or reimbursed under this guarantee, including (but not limited to) fees on particular securities.

Betterment reserves the right to discontinue or modify this guarantee in the future at any time in its sole discretion.