Help employees save for education with a 529

Including tax-advantaged 529s in your benefits package helps employees tackle rising education costs and shows your commitment to their financial health.

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Give employees a simple way to save for educational expenses.

A 529 is a smart option to boost saving for education. Whether employees are going to school themselves or planning to put their kids through college, our 529 boasts benefits for both you and your employees.
  • Benefits for employees

    • Tax-advantaged.

      Employee investments grow free of federal taxes, with some states offering even more tax savings.
    • Flexible usage.

      Employees can put savings towards tuition and fees, supplies, and even student loan repayments.
    • Professionally managed.

      Employees get their 529 handled by a plan investment manager who automatically adjusts their savings over time.
  • Benefits for you

    • Easy-to-manage experience.

      529s integrates into your existing benefits platform so you can manage everything seamlessly.
    • Unique employee benefit.

      Gain an edge in recruiting and retention with a benefit hard for employees to find elsewhere.
    • Optional match to grow.

      Choose to offer a contribution match to support employees’ educational savings efforts further.
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Saving for college is a top concern among parents in the workforce.

The price of higher education continues to grow. 

175% increase in in-state costs for public universities since 2002.1

A short stack of books with the caption
  • Parents find they have to make compromises to save.

    49% of parents prioritized saving for their kids’ education over retirement.2
  • But companies aren’t meeting employees’ concerns.

    89% of companies don’t offer a 529 educational savings plan.3

Offering unique benefits like a 529 can help make the difference for you and your employees.

54% of employees would change jobs for better benefits from a new employer.4

A woman surrounded by clouds climbing a short flight of stairs and walking towards an open doorway

Set your business apart with a 529.

Meet your employees' concerns with a solution that adds value to your benefits package. It’s an easy investment in their well-being that gives you a powerful tool to attract and retain talent.
an open laptop with an overview of My Plan with Education 529 selected

Ready for a benefit employees are looking for?

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