Introducing Mutual Funds in Custom Model Portfolios

Thousands of mutual funds have been added to the custom portfolio menu. This upgrade gives RIAs even more control in meeting growing client demand for personalization.

Mutual Funds Selection

Betterment for Advisors has been laser-focused on delivering a holistic platform that includes flexible portfolio options for RIAs, across both retirement and wealth management. 

Today, we’re announcing that thousands of mutual funds have been added to the custom portfolio construction menu for the first time. As roughly $20 trillion in assets are held in mutual funds in the United States today, offering advisors a custodial platform that can manage those funds for clients is essential.   

This update gives our customers even more control in meeting growing client demand for personalization in portfolio construction. They can now combine mutual funds and ETFs in their custom models on the Betterment for Advisors platform. Options include funds from such firms as Vanguard, PIMCO, T. Rowe Price, Fidelity, with many more to be added in the coming weeks.

Derek Tharp, Founder of Conscious Capital, says "I have enjoyed the ease of use and powerful capabilities of Betterment for Advisors since I started working with them, but I appreciate even more that the team continues to enhance the offerings and improve the advisor experience. The addition of mutual funds in custom portfolios allows me to use the full suite of features with even more of my clients.”

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This is one of many updates that Betterment for Advisors has planned for the year. Connect with our team to learn more about our investment options, automated management tools, and the future of our platform.