Election to Receive Periodic Statements

Updated February 6, 2024

By executing the Betterment at Work Master Services Agreement, you consent to this Election to Receive Periodic Statements (the “Election”), pursuant to which you, the Client, instruct Betterment Securities that you wish not to receive separate email notice of confirmations for securities transactions made in your Account(s).
You acknowledge and understand the following:

1.      You will not pay a different fee based on the decision to execute this Election.

2.      Executing this Election is not a condition to entering into or continuing participation in the Program.

3.      You may rescind this Election at any time.

Although by executing this Election you will not receive email notice of confirmations for securities transactions in your Account(s) (e.g., each dividend received, each dividend reinvestment, each rebalancing, etc.), Betterment Securities will immediately provide Betterment confirmations for these transactions, and they will be available for you to review (in Plan Sponsor or Participant Accounts) on the Website at all times. Full details of all transactions will also be included in the quarterly statement for each Participant, which are available in the Plan Sponsor Interface.

For the avoidance of doubt, the Betterment Entities will continue to provide you with all documentation related to your Account(s) and Participants’ investments on the Website. You also will still receive email notice when a quarterly statement becomes available.