Consent to Electronic Delivery of Documents from the Betterment Entities

Updated February 6, 2024
  1. Consent to Electronic Delivery. By executing the Betterment at Work Master Services Agreement (“MSA”), you consent to the electronic delivery of documents from the Betterment Entities. The Betterment Entities provide Client with plan administration, discretionary investment advisory, and brokerage services. By participating in the Program, opening an Account, and agreeing to the terms and conditions of the Website, Client agrees to receive all communications from the Betterment Entities via the Website or e-mail. By agreeing to electronic delivery, Client is giving informed consent to electronic delivery of all Account Communications and agrees that the Client has the capability to access such communications.
  2. Revocation of Consent. Client may revoke or restrict consent to electronic delivery of Account Communications at any time, subject to the terms of the Services Agreements, by notifying the Betterment Entities in writing or by phone of intention to do so. Client also has the right to request paper delivery of any Account Communication that the law requires the Betterment Entities to provide Client in paper form. Client understands that, the foregoing fee disclosures notwithstanding, if Client revokes or restricts consent to electronic delivery of Account Communications or request paper delivery, the Betterment Entities, at their sole discretion, may charge Client a reasonable service fee for the delivery of Account Communications that would otherwise be delivered to Client electronically, restrict the Account, or close the Account and terminate access to the Program or Service. Neither Client’s revocation or restriction of consent, Client’s request for paper delivery, nor the Betterment Entities' delivery of paper copies of Account Communications will affect the legal effectiveness or validity of any electronic communication provided while Client’s consent was in effect.
  3. Electronic Delivery System. The Betterment Entities will deliver Account Communications by making them available via the Interface.
  4. Review of Account Communications. Client agrees to promptly and carefully review all Account Communications as and when delivered and if Client objects to the information provided notify the Betterment entities via email to B4B as soon as possible but in no event more than thirty (30) days of delivery or within three (3) days of delivery in the case of transaction confirmations, or within such other applicable time frame as a communication may denote. The Betterment Entities are entitled to treat such information as accurate and conclusive, and shall have no liability to Client for transactions listed on such confirmations, unless Client objects via email within three (3) days of delivery. Email address(es) to which Client directs any objections will be designated by the Betterment Entities, in their sole discretion. Designated email address(es) will be listed on Account Communications and/or on the Website.
  5. Duration of Consent. This consent will be effective immediately and will remain in effect unless and until Client or the Betterment Entities revoke it. Client understands that it may take up to three (3) days to process a revocation of consent to electronic delivery, and Client may receive electronic notifications in the interim.
  6. Costs. Potential costs associated with electronic delivery of Account Communications include charges from Internet access providers and telephone companies, and such charges are borne by Client. The Betterment Entities do not charge Client additional online access fees for receiving electronic delivery of Account Communications.
  7. Consent and Representations. Client hereby agrees that Client has carefully read the above information regarding informed consent and fully understands the implications thereof. Client hereby agrees to the conditions outlined above concerning electronic delivery of Account Communications. Client also agrees that Client will maintain a valid e-mail address and continue to have access to the Internet. If Client’s e-mail address changes, Client agrees to notify the Betterment Entities of the new e-mail address immediately via the Interface.